Established in 2016, BL4CKB4LL is a SAN FRANCISCO streetwear company with stockists in AMSTERDAM and LONDON. We are a small, independent company creating a casual but dope, life-style brand that supports local artists and certain altruistic causes. Please only wear BL4CKB4LL with "No Fucks Given."
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Follow us on Instagram and Twitter @BL4CKB4LL
Doc Rockit is a San Francisco artist and designer whose career has been split between Hollywood and Silicon Valley. Doc began as an animator for TV cartoon series and commercials. He segued to video games as art director and video game designer at Atari and Electronic Arts. Doc went back to film and TV as creative director at Paramount Pictures and VP of Research & Design at Technicolor. Doc has won national and international awards for game design, product design and coauthored 8 U.S. and 3 European Information Technology Patents.
Today Doc is focused on his personal art and a top secret NFT Project coming in first quarter 2022. His latest art capsule DARK ENERGY refers to the home grown Fascism that has swept the right wing of this country and threatens life as we know it in our country.
Doc: “I was an art whore for too long and now I have the freedom to explore my ideas, free of corporate fuckery. Recent political, social and cultural events are concerns I just can't ignore and you shouldn't either. Americans have short memories. Its shocking to say this, but if we don’t act now, we can kiss our democracy buh-bye!"
"I am donating 20% of all DARK ENERGY sales to Common Cause. Common Cause has been fighting for our individual rights and upholding our Constitution since 1970. Find out more about them at common cause.org."
To contact Doc Rockit directly drop him a note at doc.rockit@bl4ckb4ll.com.